Thursday, May 7, 2009

Obama Plans to save 17 billion dollars

May 6, 2009, New York – A senior administration official announced that the White House proposed to save $17 billion in the following year by cutting down 121 federal programs. There was an estimation of approximately $11.5 billion of the savings would be from programs’ funds that are voluntary and they will be from non-defence programs. The proposed of cutting down programs, eliminating and reducing them will be released soon for the following year’s budget request. However, it was uncertain if the savings in 2010 would be used on other federal programs or for decreasing the country’s growing shortage. However, these actions might push long-term deficits significantly higher. Some experts suggests the government to stop spending funding while the economy is in catastrophe. The Government Accountability Office predicts that all federal revenue will be paid into the costs of Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and public debs interest in 2025.

After reading this article, I trust that Obama chose and committed a wise decision. This might actually help and save the United State’s economy growth by cutting down funding from certain programs. However, the government must debate and be cautious about what they are cutting down. If they cut down funding in medical and education, this will be a foolish choice, as they are extremely important to develop the young minds of the nation and medical care is as significant because of the swine flu cases in the States. However, if the programs were already poor and unsuccessful, I agree that they should be reduced or even cut, there is no time for a second chance in this situation. The Senate and the House of Commons should use the year 2009 wisely and debate carefully on cutting down which programs are necessary and which are not. If one important program is removed, it might endanger the entire US economy or even the world's. Choose wisely, US!


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